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Siemens 6ES7353-1AH01-0AE0 S7-300, functional module FM 353 for positioning
Siemens 6ES7340-1AH02-0AE0 S7-300, CP 340 communication processor with RS232C interface (V.24 interface standard)
Siemens 6ES7340-1BH02-0AE0 S7-300, CP 340 communication processor with 20mA interface (TTY)
$960.00 $9,600.00
Siemens 6ES7340-1CH02-0AE0 S7-300, CP 340 communication processor with RS-422/485 interface
$600.00 $7,000.00
Siemens 6ES7341-1AH02-0AE0 S7-300, CP 341 communication processor with RS-232C interface (V.24 interface standard)
$1,200.00 $10,600.00
Siemens 6ES7341-1CH02-0AE0 S7-300, CP 341 communication processor with RS 422/485 interface,
$960.00 $12,000.00
Siemens 6ES7902-3AB00-0AA0 S7/M7, cable used for point-to-point coupling connection RS-422-RS-422
$120.00 $1,139.00
Siemens 66ES7902-3AC00-0AA0 S7/M7, cable used for point-to-point coupling connection RS-422-RS-42210m
$200.00 $1,427.00
SIMATIC S7/M7, cable for point-to-point coupling connection RS-422-RS-422 50m
$300.00 $2,451.00
Siemens 6GK7343-2AH01-0XA0 CP 343-2 communication processor, used to connect S7-300 and ET 200M to AS interfac
$720.00 $7,256.00